A main problem that concerns users more and more is the smartphone battery. In the year 2015, the software and hardware of smartphones has almost been perfected, which of course is not true for the batteries, which keep the mobile phone from 1 day in most to 2.5 to 3 in the rest.
So this is where the Power Bank or External battery as we would say in Greek comes to provide a temporary solution. But what is a Power Bank? It is essentially a portable rechargeable battery that connects to your Smartphone, tablet or any other device with a USB port that you can charge.
Below is some basic information and a buying guide for the Power Bank.
The main thing you need to know is the battery capacity of your mobile phone. The capacity is measured in milliAmpere Hour (mAh), so the capacity of the Power Bank must be at least equal to or greater than that of our mobile phone.
So we understand that the main feature is the capacity of the Power Bank, which ranges from 2,000mAh to 20,000mAh usually. On the one hand, it is good to choose an external battery with as much capacity as possible, but on the other hand, the larger it is, the bulkier it will be and the price will increase. Therefore capacity is not the main reason for buying a Power bank.
Output ports and Ampere
Most powerbanks have 1 output so you can charge one device at a time. But many have 2 or more ports to charge more. Another issue that should concern you is the Ampere that the USB ports have. For example, the ipad needs a 2.1A output to charge, so it is good to look at the technical characteristics of your mobile to make the right choice. Of course, if you choose the ones with a double output, it is most likely that you will not have any problem.
Brand name and construction
You will definitely find a huge range of Power Banks from different companies, in different sizes and with different features (don't worry we will mention them below). Certainly one reason for choosing is the price, nevertheless, be especially careful as many "unknown" brands can do you greater financial and "technical" harm. What exactly do we want to say? There have been cases of 10,000mAh powerbanks that will eventually only give you 2,000mAh or others that will eventually damage your phones. It is good to pay a little more money to buy a Power Bank of a well-known company.
This was the basic and simple guide to buying a Powerbank. Of course, we have to add some other features that you should pay attention to if you want to look a little further.
In the huge range that you will find, you will also notice various features or how the power bank works. Some of them are:
• Circuit Trouble: Protects your mobile from a short electrical circuit trouble that might occur
• Over-charge: Stops charging your device when it is fully charged
• Overheating: A feature to detect high temperatures when the battery is charging.
See all our PowerBanks here: http://www.ithinksmart.gr/collections/powerbank